Thank you for purchasing Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus:
Key type: ONLINE
NOTE: The package without activation is a 30-day trial version!
Package Download (Language English):
Installation instructions:
Download the package from the link above, run the downloaded file - the package will automatically install itself.
(If the package is detected as Disk Station download WinRaR from the Internet, then on the downloaded package click Right mouse button / Run with / WinRaR / Setup.exe)
Activation instructions:
To activate the product, open an application such as Word and go: Account / Change license / Use another account / I have KEY product (Here enter the purchased KEY) then: Activate / Activate via the Internet
In case of error " Unable to activate a copy of Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus product because the number of activations has reached the limit specified for the product key.... " or " 0XC004C060 " - contact us!
Re-activate the product (E.g. after reinstalling the package):
If you re-activate the product, the product should activate online, but telephone activation may be required, in case of the error " Number of activations exceeded " you should activate the product by phone, instructions for telephone activation:
E-Mail: BOK@Key-Soft.pl