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Windows 10 runs slowly
Windows 10 is considered the least intrusive of Microsoft's operating systems to date,. as well as the fastest-booting system,. even on computers that are considered technological relics,. on older hardware,. the system will still definitely run slower than on a desktop device relevant to today's times,. but proper optimization will certainly improve the situation,.
To diagnose the problem,. let's first learn a little bit about how the operating system startup proceeds,. So how does this procedure work? At the moment,. when. you. turn. on. the. computer,. first. the. so-called. BIOS. chip,. which. distributes. the. process. of. booting. Windows,. is. started. At this time data is read from the hard disk,. and then transferred to the operational ram memory,. For new computers it takes even less than 10 seconds to boot up,. for older computers,. unfortunately,. up to several minutes,. However, with time of use,. even the latest hardware,. not optimized on a regular basis,. starts up slower and slower,.
What could be the cause of a computer starting up too slowly? Usually, it is the user's actions that cause our computer to significantly slow down at startup and during use,. What are the most common causes,. slow computer startup?
- Computer overload - too much memory-intensive software,. such as,. Adobe Illustrator,. Adobe Photoshop,. After Effects,. causes. the. system. to. become. more. loaded,. and. the. computer. to. slow down,. Why does this happen? Often,. these. programs. start. with. the. system. and. run. certain. processes. in. the. background,. e.g.,. Adobe. starts. the. Adobe Creative Cloud. panel. at. start. You can do most of the processes by checking in the lower right corner on the taskbar,.
- Installed new drivers - usually drivers facilitate the work of certain components,. e.g.,. enable proper playback of movies,. mp3 files,. as well as control the work of computer components,. e.g.,. graphics card,. However,. there. are. batches. of. erroneous. drivers. or. badly. to. install,. which. significantly. burden. the. work. of. the. operating. system,.
- Dangerous programs - a.k.a. viruses,. spyware,. trojans,. and. any. malware. system. that. we. can. introduce. into. a. computer. via. unscanned,. plugged. external. drives,. downloaded files from the Internet,. etc,. This type of system can significantly slow down your computer,. It is a good idea to protect your computer with the most effective antivirus program available on the market,. If you do not know which antivirus program to choose, go to our blog and check the ranking of antivirus programs,.
- Lack of current updates - nowadays, usually programs update themselves on the fly when the computer starts up,. however, updates are not always done online,. which can also affect the speed of the computer,.
- Windows update packages containing bugs - from time to time Microsoft Windows releases a package,. which contains so-called,. bugs,. often also leading to slowdown of the operating system,. In such a situation, it is usually recommended to restore the system to the previous Windows update,.
So what steps should you have in place to speed up your computer?
Windows 10 PRO runs slowly
To begin with, check. what is the artisanal startup time of your device,. How to do it?
On the start menu in the search option type "Event Viewer" or "event",. Then select Application and Service Log and select Microsoft,. then Windows,. In the next step, select Diagnostics-Performance and select Actions,. an event with ID 100,. behind which is the startup time we are looking for,. Event 101, on the other hand, is a collection of information about applications,. which are slowing down your computer,. e.g.,. if loading Adobe Photoshop this time took 2 seconds longer than before,. then it's apparently worth performing a check,. between updates were performed on a regular basis,. What's more,. if this program starts during your computer's startup,. it's a good idea to disable the startup of this program in the task manager along with the system,.
If you already know the startup time of your hardware and it is greater than the ideal 10 seconds,. it is time to move on to the detailed steps,. which will help us speed up the startup and not waste any more time,.
- Check,. between the default search has not been disabled - "Fast startup" is a built-in feature of Windows 10,. which improves the boot time of the computer automatically,. How to perform this check? Right-click the battery icon on your laptop and select Power Options and then Select Power Button Action,. Here you will find between the computer has the fast startup feature enabled,. If you want to always see between the function is active then it is best to set the power button to put the computer to sleep,. and not turn off the computer,. so you can see in real time between fast startup is enabled,.
- Exclude essential programs from the autostart -. one of the most aggravating functions,. which. makes. all. programs. marked. in. the. autostart. start. together. with. the. start. of. the. operating. system. Therefore, if there are many programs marked in the autostart,. it may happen that this makes your computer start significantly longer,. It is best to review and deactivate all unnecessary programs stored in autostart,. How to do it? Click Windows + R,. then msconfig,. In the next step, select the Startup tab,. which will take you to the task manager,. where you will find a list of programs saved in the autostart,. after removing unnecessary applications,. you will certainly feel the difference the next time you start the operating system,. Another,. simpler way is to go to the Task Manager,. you can launch it with CTRL + SHIFT + ESC,. Then go to the Startup tab,. here you will see a list of programs,. that start up with the system startup,. removing a program from the Startup list will not uninstall the program,. but only make the program not affect the startup load of the computer,.
- Check,. between your operating system has not been infected - unsafe system often uses a significant amount to elect hardware ram memory,. which results in reduced computer performance,. To check,. between your system has not been infected,. it is worth scanning your computer with a suitable paid antivirus program,. Free antiviruses show insufficient effectiveness for the complexity of malware,. that is currently attacking our computers,. If you do not have a suitable antivirus,. you can use the built-in Windows Defender,. which is part of the Windows 10 operating system,. How to start Windows Defender? You need to open Settings,. then Updates and Security,. and in the next step Windows Security,. It is best to leave the program in full scan mode until you see a summary report,. which will include information on the next steps you should have in order to neutralize any problems that may occur,.
- Replace your HDD with an SSD,. This solution will make your computer run significantly faster and more efficiently,. This is an excellent way,. which will help increase the performance of even older equipment without the need to buy a new computer,. A new 250 GB SSD,. you can already purchase from 150 zł,.
Windows 10 slow to boot after update
The above methods have failed? In this situation it is worthwhile to perform a check for Windows operating system updates,. How to perform this check? Go to Settings,. then Updates and security,. then Windows Update,.
If the system shows an uninstalled update,. then I how to perform the installation and restart the computer,. which will help us immediately perform a check,. between the problem has been solved,.
If the update is between drivers,. then it is best to visit the website of the manufacturer of the software in question and perform a check for the availability of specific updates,.
The serial number of the equipment in question can also be helpful in this situation,. which will allow you to find the correct model of the equipment in question and find the matching drivers,.
Windows 10 slow to run after 2021 update
If your system is running slowly after the update,. it is worth performing a check,. between the update has definitely run successfully,. First, check,. between your internet connection is stable,. then,. if the update still doesn't work,. then go to Settings,. then Windows Update,. then Check for updates,. If the system does not show updates to download,. then it is best to go to more advanced steps,.
Windows 10 slow to run after 2020 update
If the above points nor the implementation of the update did not work,. then a good way to improve the speed of the system is to reboot it to factory settings,. This is a very easy process to implement,. Suffice to go to settings,. then select updates and security,. in the next step recovery and finally reset the computer settings to the initial state,. In the next step, select options,. with which you will keep selected personal files and programs,. as well as settings,. However, if you do not need to keep your personal data,. then a better solution is to reinstall Windows,. Note,. however,. that. even. when. selecting. the. system. reset. option,. it. is. a. good. idea. to. save. the. selected. files. to. a. separate. external. drive. that. will. ensure. that. you. will. definitely. not. lose. data. that. is. essential. for. you.
Windows 10 update installation cannot be completed
If Windows 10 does not find active updates to download,. then click Start,. then right click on Control Panel,. now System and Security and in the next step Find and Troubleshoot,. then Troubleshoot Windows Update,.
According to information,. presented by Microsoft,. the latest Microsoft Office 2021 office suite in Poland is expected to see the light of day later in 2021 as both a Windows option,. as well as for Mac users,. The updated Microsoft Office 2021 will include,. among other things,. an offline version of the commercial LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) sector,. as well as an upgraded cloud solution,.
Some of the new features introduced in Office 2021 could already be observed by Office 365 users,.
In the following post you will find out what new features you will find in the latest Office 2021,. what is the Do English release date of Office 2021,. what changes Microsoft Office 2021,. and what Office 365,. What are the changes in the popular versions of Office home and student,.
Office 2021
Let's first look at the changes in the LTSC version,. Own is LTSC? It's a solution for companies,. who prefer to choose solutions locally,. not via the cloud,. In Poland,. there. is. not. always. perfect. internet. everywhere,. so. Microsoft. decided. to. also. think. about. those. users. who. want. to. have. access. to. the. latest. Microsoft. solutions. without. the. need. to. connect. to. the. internet,.
Another solution,. which has been introduced,. is to equip Microsoft Office 2021 with a dark interface mode,. dynamic tables model,. XLOOZAKUP functions for selection in Microsoft Excel,. In addition, Microsoft Office provides the introduction of a number of improvements for online accessibility,. integrated solutions,. Microsoft 2021 also provided an extended warranty compared to previous versions,. up to seven years,. with previous available versions only covered up to five years,. It is also important to note that. Microsoft does not want to increase prices for the latest available versions of its product,.
In the global market, the LTSC version premiered in April,. the full package release took place a while later,. Undoubtedly, an equally important event of 2021 is the latest release of Windows 11,. which shackles mainly on the functionalities of Windows 10 while improving the changes,. which came out of the demand from users,. In the context of the Office suite,. Microsoft has shackled itself mainly on improving applications such as Word,. Excel,. OneNote,. Outlook and PowerPoint,.
Microsoft, as one of the leading companies in the computer software market, went directly to its users and made changes in accordance with the feedback it received from them,. Microsoft used the Fluent Design solution for the changes,. Own the Fluent Design System?
Microsoft Fluent Design System a.k.a. Microsoft Design Language ("Metro") is a programming language developed in 2017,. created by Microsoft,. This system is a suite of interaction and design guidelines used in all Windows 10 and related programs,. Metro is based on components such as Depth,. Material,. Light,. Scale,. Fluent Design first saw the light of day in Windows 10,. as well as the X-package One update,.
In the first step, the changes to choose from were for Office Insider users,. In addition, Microsoft,. using a full-blown User Experience approach,. installed for all users the ability to check via an additional panel,. what exactly changes have been made in the latest Office 2021,. Microsoft has also thought about the possibility of disabling the latest 2021 interface design,. if someone does not want to use the improvements at the moment,.
What changes have been made in the latest version of Microsoft Office 2021?
First of all, users can limen on smoother operation of applications and cooperation of applications have each other,. in addition, a neutral color palette was introduced,. newly created modes,. personalized ribbons,. rounded corners of applications,. A dark mode has also been introduced,. which affects the comfort of sitting at a desktop device - it even turns a piece of paper to black,. and completed lettering to white,.
What additional features might we see in the latest Office 2021?
- Built-in commenting system in Word 2021 - a similar feature users associate with Google interactive documents,. This feature was already familiar to Office 365 users last year,. For customers of Office classic is zufull package novelty,. What does this feature look like? You can add comments to each document in a selected place,. thus suggesting appropriate corrections with the option to enter an additional designation of the person to whom the comments are addressed using name,. name between email address,.
- Merging the Teams Planner and To Do functions into a single option- previously the Planner was a third-party app,. and To Do was a built-in mobile app,. The merger of To Do and Planner in the Teams app is expected to significantly simplify users' work,. The popularity of the Teams program significantly prompted the users to go out of their way to meet the users and merge the functions ultimately into one modern functionality - Tasks and Planner,. The merger process took place in the form of three stages: the first is Planner on the desktop version and Tasks on the Mobile version,. the second is Tasks by Planner and To Do on Desktop and Tasks on Mobile,. the third stage,. which is the merger of Tasks and Planner in the name of Tasks on Desktop and in the name of Tasks on Mobile,.
- The new version of the dark mode in Microsoft Word - an additional feature,. which will especially please users,. who spend long hours working in Microsoft Word,. Previously, Office Insider users have already been able to test the beta system version in dark mode,. This new functionality will especially benefit users of monitors with OLED screens,. In Office 2021, you will find this feature in the "View" tab,.
- X,.SEARCH function in Microsoft Excel 2021 - Office 365 users can test this functionality for a year now,. What does it consist of? X,.SEARCH is the ability to perform an enhanced search of an array or range for a match,. thus returning a specific element from the array or second range,. If you are a Microsoft Excel user,. then you are probably familiar with the SEARCH,.HORIZONTALLY/PIONALLY function and the combination of such functions as SUBJECT,.POSITION and INDEX,. The novelty of X,.SEARCH is just replacing these functionalities,. improving them,.
- Office 2021 interface update - The interface changes for Office 2021 and Office 365 may not be as spectacular as with Office 2019,. however, the interface as mentioned by Microsoft Office will be improved,. and certain features will be more selectable on target users,. The update will consist of improvements to certain functionalities,. such as hyperlinks,. new keyboard shortcuts,. more efficient integration of tools,.
What other features has Microsoft Office introduced in the new version 2021?
- Line Focus - a system designed to reduce distractions when writing text,. Allows you to better chakup on one line at a time,.
- XLOOZAKUP in Excel - as we mentioned earlier - the ability to search more easily in Excel documents,.
- Ability to record slides with narration in PowerPoint
- and others,. such. as. dynamic. arrays,. general. enhancements. to. Word,. Excel,. PowerPoint and Outlook,.
Office 2021 release date
In April 2021, Microsoft announced. that Mac users can already download a trial version of Office 2021 from its servers,. as well as the Office Long Term Servicing Channel,. otherwise known as Office LTSC,.
Microsoft Office 2021 for Windows will be available much later,. also in preview version,. however, we have a chance to see it later this year,. The final available product versions of Office 2021 for Windows,. as well as Office 2021 for Mac are expected to be released later in 2021,.
Microsoft office 2021 release date
Office 2021 for Mac users,. can be run on computers,. that meet the following hardware needs:
- Apple and Intel processor with a minimum of 4GB RAM,.
- A minimum of 10 GB of free disk space,.
Microsoft,. within. the. memory. of. the. Office. 2021. solution,. is. enabling. the. release. of. monthly. updates,. which. will. include. both. new. features,. and. fixes,. As Microsoft announced,. individual solutions will be made available on an ongoing basis in subsequent update packages,.
Office 2021 home and student
The good news for Office 2021 users is that. price-wise, Office 2021 will be no different from Microsoft Office 2019,. Currently, the Office for Mac version of Office Home & Student costs about $149,.99,. and the Office Home & Business 2019 version costs about $249,.99,.
The Office 2021 know-it-all license allows for the option to purchase a durable access time with an additional seven years of Microsoft support,.
The LTSC license must be purchased for each device separately,. however, this license does not need to be renewed after payment,.
There are reports in the market that. after the launch, Microsoft will raise the prices of Office Professional Plus,. Office Standard and related applications by about ten percent,. however, there is no confirmation of this,. Microsoft also communicated,. that after the release of Office LTSC on the market will be released another version of the program u without access time,.
Office 2021 or office 365
What difference can we see having Microsoft Office 2021,. and Microsoft 365?
One of the most noticeable and current differences is the way,. how to pay for the packages in question,. Office 2021 package you can still make a one-time payment and keep it indefinitely,. available versions of Microsoft 365 requires a regular subscription fee of about $69,.99 per year,.
Microsoft 365 in the latest versions also includes access to applications such as Skype,. 1 TB of additional OneDrive storage space and access to the online subscription version of Microsoft Teams,.
Microsoft 365 also means regular updates,. as Microsoft reports at least once a month,. In the case of the classic Office 2021 suite, updates are also provided after launch,. but these will only be security patches,.
The ability to use Office 365 is a convenient form in the memory of the access time frame,. however, as Microsoft assures programs y,. such as LTSC and classic Office 2021 will continue to be marketed for the convenience of the recipients,. some companies can not or even should not, for security reasons, run on an Internet connection,. better to run more efficiently in the offline option,.
Office 2021 will be launched as well for corporate customers,. as well as private customers,. there will be all the new features to choose from in this suite,. that we can see in the Office 365 version,. however, this product will definitely not be updated as fast,. as Office 365,.
There is no doubt that products in the classic,. desktop,. option,. such as Office LTSC and Office 2021 are a good option in many situations,. as well as for commercial users,. as well as home users,. however, the vast majority of customers still mainly choose Microsoft Office 365,.
As Microsoft points out,. if your company still hasn't moved to cloud services,. then Microsoft with its Get Support team can significantly help and prepare your company to enter the new mode,. cloud services,.
We hope that the following article has helped you to get information about the latest version of Office 2021,.
The Windows 10 operating system is the most popular of all Microsoft Windows operating systems released to date,. Windows 10 was created in 2015,. however,. continuous improvements with monthly and major,. semi-annual updates have made it. one of the most innovative,. stable and secure operating systems available to make payments,. Windows 10 operating system you can make payments on Home,. Professional,. Enterprise,. For Learning and Pro for Workstation,. In the following post, we will take a closer look at the available versions of Windows 10,. and especially the Home version,. we will check out the possess features of this version of Windows 10,. possess is Windows 10 Home version ORIGINAL KEY,. possess version KEY and PACKAGING,. We will also answer questions,. which Windows 10 to choose - 32 between 64 - bit and how to upgrade from Windows 10 Home version to Pro version,.
Windows Home price
Let's take a closer look at the versions of Windows 10 on offer:
- Windows 10 Home - this is the version available for home users,. contains only basic functionality,.
- Windows 10 Professional - is a version of the operating system,. which is especially often purchased by advanced users and companies,.
- Windows 10 Enterprise - is a version for larger enterprises with additional functionality,. is available in additional versions of LTSC and LTSB,.
- Windows 10 For Learning - is otherwise Windows 10 Enterprise,. that is, the version dedicated to educational institutions and schools,.
- Windows 10 Pro for Workstation - is a version created specifically for demanding users such as,. robomiędz stations customers with large processor resources and operational ram memory,.
- Windows 10 version S - is actually a fairly common version of Windows 10,. A heavily restricted version,. created mainly for the educational market,. educational institutions,. S version by its strong limitations also does not allow the installation of any applications outside the Microsoft Store,. So you can,. forget about installing additional software,. such as Steam,. Orgin,. etc,. The S version of the operating system is so limited,. that you can't even change the built-in Microsoft Edge web browser,. you also lack the ability to use the Administration Panel and Registry Editor,. Windows 10 version S is simply an option for weaker and less powerful computers,. It is also a safe form of use for children,. the elderly,. who,. thanks to the limited functionality of the system,. will not be able to download malicious software onto the computer,. Because of its system limitations,. Windows S is actually one of the most secure system versions,.
The price of Windows 10 does not depend only on the version of the operating system you choose,. it also depends on the number of workstations,. process architecture,. as well as the license version ORIGINAL KEY,. KEY,. packaging,.
Windows 10 Home edition price
Windows Home,. like Windows Professional is one of the most commonly purchased versions of Windows 10,. Have these available versions differ to own each other?
Typically, the Home version is purchased by home users and small businesses,. which are not looking for more advanced solutions,. So in practice, the choice of having Windows 10 Home vs. Windows 10 Pro - Professional depends on the environment,. in which the operating system will be used,. If your company uses Active Directory then it is worth deciding to pay Windows Pro version right away,.
Windows 10 Pro also includes additional. advanced. features,. such. as. BitLocker,. which. effectively. allows. you. to. secure. corporate. information. in. the. event. of. a. cyber. attack. between. the. loss/theft. of. a. particular. device,.
When is the Home version enough? If you use Windows 10 in a small business and do not need additional functionality,. then the Home version usually turns out to be sufficient,. With its help you will download and run any applications,. including those from outside the Microsoft Store,. you can surf the Internet,. share files,. use Office,. synchronize settings,. synchronize updates,. use the OneDrive cloud,.
Before moving on to the prices of selected versions,. let's take another look at. what new features Windows 10 has introduced compared to previous versions:
- Start menu and an easier to use and manage bar with shortcuts,.
- More intuitive interface,. ability to customize the shortcut bar in terms of height and width,.
- An additional division of the bar with shortcuts,. the right part is for tiles with assigned shortcuts,. the left is the tiles of the most frequently used applications,.
- dynamic and animated tiles in the menu bar,. allowing you to pin widgets with news,. weather,. entertainment,.
- An extensive system search engine,.
- Smoother operation of window segregation,.
- In addition: a notification panel located in the lower right corner,. which allows you to go directly to functionalities such as: settings,. location,. night display mode between wireless connections,.
- Of the new features, Microsoft Windows 10 introduced in the Home version: a more powerful and streamlined Microsoft Edge browser,. which replaces its predecessor Explorer; built-in facial and fingerprint recognition; Cortana,. which is a personal assistant,. to help you use Windows; Continum,. an effective tablet mode,. which makes touch-panel devices run even smoother; Windows Holographic,. or HoloLens,. a platform that enables holographic glasses,.
Windows 10 Home and Pro is also a difference in price,. which the manufacturer offers,. Users,. who purchase the Home version,. have to limit themselves with the expense from 229 zł for Windows 10 Home ORIGINAL KEY for one position in a lifetime license,. Customers,. who decided to make the payment of the Pro version in the simplest option of Windows 10 Pro KEY,. should prepare themselves for the expense from 189 zł for making the payment of the license for 1 position in the lifetime licensing option,. As we can see,. the difference in price is also dependent,. on the choice of a specific version of making payment - ORIGINAL KEY,. KEY,. PACKAGE,. Let's take a closer look,. have these available versions differ from each other,.
Windows 10 Home ORIGINAL KEY price
The ORIGINAL option version of Windows 10 KEY is Original Equipment Manufacturer,. This is a version,. which is much cheaper than the traditional Windows 10 option with installation disc and box,. The ORIGINAL version KEY is to make a payment of a special code without the installation disc,. Usually this type of operating system is received with the payment of the selected device,. which already has Windows 10 installed in the ORIGINAL option KEY,.
The ORIGINAL version KEY is assigned directly to the device,. to its technical specification,. therefore its use is only possible on one device,. therefore this license is much cheaper than other available versions,. such as KEY between the standard box version PACKAGING,.
If you want to sell the license after making the laptop payment,. you can only do so with the sale of the laptop between the desktop,. Due to the specifications of Windows 10,. the system does not need to be rebooted,. if you want,. at any time you can return to factory settings or undo the selected patch update,. between the larger six months with system news,. Windows 10 can be installed multiple times on the same device e.g.,. if you replace components such as the motherboard,. the Windows system disk,.